About Me

Full-stack developer who loves to solve complex Software engineering problems.

Hi, I am Danish.

I am a full-stack developer, educator, and researcher based in Saarbrücken, Germany.

tū shāhīñ hai parvāz hai kaam terā 
tire sāmne āsmāñ aur bhī haiñ 

- allama iqbal

I love to design thoughtful websites and software. I also like to help businesses with optimal solutions to their problems and maximize efficiency and profit.

I usually work with JavaScript, WordPress, Python, and PHP.

For the last few years, I have been working on products involving React.js and other JavaScript libraries/frameworks.

I also enjoy working on systems – creating (and screwing up) servers, troubleshooting Linux problems (admit it, we all have faced them at some point), and nitpicking issues in UI/UX.

My journey with computers started in 2003 when I was 2. All I did, at that time, was play games. I learned HTML in 2011. In 2014, I developed My Kashmir, an android app for the people of Kashmir. It received a fair amount of recognition from the people.

In 2015, I won the Digital India Cyber Security Award from the Government of India.

I am obsessed with gadgets, complex mechanisms draped in simple bodies excite me. I like to read whatever I can get my hands on. I occasionally write as well – usually research papers. I have 10 research publications (h-index: 5) and my areas of interest are – machine learning, software engineering, and AI for healthcare.

When I am not coding, or even when I am – I love watching football. If you are a football fan, Forca Barça! If you are a Real Madrid fan – remember 5-0? I have played a lot of sports – football, cricket, badminton, and basketball; however, nowadays I feel like an octogenarian.

I am in love with Sufism and like to read poetry and philosophy, that’s why you see poetry all over my website. If I had to pick my 5-a-side poetry lineup, I’d go for Rumi (most of the English translations of his poetry are disastrous; a result of literal interpretation. I recommend you to read English translations by an Urdu/Persian scholar), Mirza Ghalib, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ahmad Faraz, and Jaun Eliya. I also enjoy good music with meaningful lyrics – you’d generally hear me vibing to ghazals and songs of the Indian Subcontinent. One playlist that I’d be willing to for the rest of my life is – Coke Studio Pakistan.

I enjoy reading books – about human history, philosophy, Sufism, science, and poetry. It is hard to pick a favorite book but if you’d ask me for some recommendations – Sapiens by Yuval N. Harari, The House of Wisdom by Jim Al-Khalili, The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini, and The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak.

Say hi ?